These are geek wannabees. Now that geeks are in, everybody wants to be a geek. To tell the geeks from the pseudo-geeks, I’ve developed this test:
- When you open your phone bill, what do you do with it?
- pay the bill
- stick the bill in the mess on your desk
- sit down and read the insert
- You have three choices of reading material. Which do you read?
- the sports section of the paper
- Wired Magzine
- the dictionary
- Your prized possession would be…
- one of Babe Ruth’s baseballs,
- an autographed picture of Bill Gates
- a map of the telephone company service areas for your state
- A major goal in your life is to…
- get as rich as Bill Gates
- develop a new game that will become wildly popular
- track the response times of TIA versus PPP and SLIP
Answers: If you answered A to each question, you’re definitely not a geek. If you answered B to each question, you’re a wanna-be. If you answered C to each question, you’re pure Geek and I’d like to meet you.