- LOG ON: making da vood stove hotter
- LOG OFF: don’t add no more vood
- MONITOR: keep an eye on da vood stove
- MEGAHERTZ: vhen da big log drops on your barefoot in da morning
- FLOPPY DISK: vhat you get from pilingk too much vood
- RAM: da hydraulic thing dat makes da voodsplitter vork
- HARD DRIVE: getting home during most of da vinter
- PROMPT: vhat ya vish da mail vas during da snow season
- ENTER: come on in
- WINDOWS: vhat ya shut vhen it gets below zero
- SCREEN: vhat you gotta fix on da windows during black fly season
- CHIP: vhat ya munch during Vikings games
- MICROCHIP: vhat’s left in da bag vhen da chips are gone
- MODEM: vhat ya did to da hay fields last Yuly
- DOT MATRIX: Eino Matrix’s wife
- LAPTOP: vhere da grandkids sit
- KEYBOARD: vhere ya suppose to hang da keys so da Misses can find em
- SOFTWARE: da plastic picnic utensils, ya?
- MOUSE: vhat leaves dem little turds in da cupboard
- MAINFRAME: da part of da sauna dat holds up da roof
- PORT: vhere da commercial fishin guys tie up dere boats
- RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: vhen ya can’t remember how much ya spent on da new deer rifle vhen da wife asks about it
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