If Microsoft Was Located In Georgia…

  • Their No. 1 product would be “Microsoft Winders”.
  • Instead of an hourglass icon you’d get an empty beer bottle.
  • Occasionally, you’d bring up a window that was covered with a Hefty bag and some duct tape.
  • Instead of “Yes”, “No”, or “Cancel”, dialog boxes would give you the choice of “Aww-right”, “Naw”, or “Git”.
  • Instead of “Ta-Dah!”, the opening sound would be “Dueling Banjos”.
  • The “Recycle Bin” would be an outhouse.
  • Whenever you pulled up the Sound Player, you’d hear “Freebird!”
  • Instead of “Start Me Up”, the Winders theme song would be “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”.
  • Powerpoint would be named “ParPawnt”.
  • Instead of “VP”, Microsoft big shots would be called “Cuz”.
  • Hardware could be repaired using parts from an old Trans Am.
  • Daisy Duke screen saver.
  • “Well, the first thing you know old Bill’s a billionaire…”
  • Flight Simulator replaced by Tractor-Pull Simulator.
  • Microsoft CEO “Billy-Bob” (a.k.a. “Bubba”) Gates.
  • “ParPawnt” would have a “Pond Scum” and a “Junk Yard” presentation template.
  • One wrong turn while surfing the web would send you face to face with a 12 gauge shotgun.
  • “This computer protected by Smith and Wesson” screen saver.
  • Directions to Corporate Headquarters – “Down the road a block or so”.
  • Microsoft Word includes a phonetic spell checker-“Hookt on fonics werkt 4 me”.

Winders eXP – Alabama Edition

It has come to our attention that a few copies of the Alabama edition of Windows eXP may have accidentally been shipped outside Alabama. If you have one of the Alabama editions you may need some help understanding the commands.

The Alabama edition may be recognized by looking at the opening screen. It reads WINDERS eXP with a background picture of the General Lee super imposed on a Confederate flag. It is shipped with a Daisy Duke screen saver.

Also note the Recycle Bin is labeled Outhouse, My Computer is called This Infernal Contraption, Dialup Networking is called Good Ol’ Boys, Control Panel is known as the Dern Dashboard, Hard Drive is referred to as 4 wheel drive, and CDs are them little ole plastic disc thangs.

Other features:
Instead of a error message you get a winder covered with a garbage bag and duct tape.

A few terms may need translation:

  • OK – ats aww-right
  • cancel – hail no
  • reset – aw shoot
  • yes – shore
  • no – Naaaa
  • find – hunt-fer it
  • go to – over yonder
  • back – back yonder
  • help – hep me out here
  • stop – ternit off
  • start – crank it up
  • settings – sittins
  • programs – stuff at does stuff
  • documents – stuff I done done

Also note that Winders eXP does not recognize capital letters or punctuation marks.

Some programs that are exclusive to Winders eXP:
  • tiperiter – A word processor
  • colering book – a graphics program
  • addin mershene – calculator
  • outhouse paper – notepad
  • jupe-box – CD Player
  • iner-net – Internet Explorer
  • pichers – A graphics viewer
  • IRS – M/S accounting software
  • IRS2 – M/S accounting software with hidden files
  • coon dog – American kennel club records
  • fishin – Bass Anglers Sportsman Society records
  • NRA – National Rifle Association
  • shot gun – Remington Arms price list
  • riffel – Winchester price list
  • pisstel – Smith & Wesson price list
  • truck – Ford and Chevrolet dealers in AL by zip code
  • house – Nearest mobile home repair service by zip code
  • car – same as truck just need two lists in Alabama
  • cuzzins – family history usually a 3 meg file
  • tax records – usually an empty file
  • shells – ammunition inventory another 3 meg file
  • bud – list of Budweiser dealers by zip code
  • rasin – NASCAR racing schedule includes list of TV stations that carry the race
  • car n truck parts – nearest Junk yard by zip code
  • doc – veterinarians by zip code

A Minnesota Guide to Computer Lingo

  • LOG ON: making da vood stove hotter
  • LOG OFF: don’t add no more vood
  • MONITOR: keep an eye on da vood stove
  • MEGAHERTZ: vhen da big log drops on your barefoot in da morning
  • FLOPPY DISK: vhat you get from pilingk too much vood
  • RAM: da hydraulic thing dat makes da voodsplitter vork
  • HARD DRIVE: getting home during most of da vinter
  • PROMPT: vhat ya vish da mail vas during da snow season
  • ENTER: come on in
  • WINDOWS: vhat ya shut vhen it gets below zero
  • SCREEN: vhat you gotta fix on da windows during black fly season
  • CHIP: vhat ya munch during Vikings games
  • MICROCHIP: vhat’s left in da bag vhen da chips are gone
  • MODEM: vhat ya did to da hay fields last Yuly
  • DOT MATRIX: Eino Matrix’s wife
  • LAPTOP: vhere da grandkids sit
  • KEYBOARD: vhere ya suppose to hang da keys so da Misses can find em
  • SOFTWARE: da plastic picnic utensils, ya?
  • MOUSE: vhat leaves dem little turds in da cupboard
  • MAINFRAME: da part of da sauna dat holds up da roof
  • PORT: vhere da commercial fishin guys tie up dere boats
  • DOCKING STATION: da same as PORT
  • RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: vhen ya can’t remember how much ya spent on da new deer rifle vhen da wife asks about it

Yorn uh Goood O’l Boy Ifin…

Yorn uh goood O’l Boy ifin yah tink tha follin:

  • LOG ON: Makin a wood stove hotter.
  • LOG OFF: Don’t add no more wood.
  • MONITOR: Keepin an eye on the wood stove.
  • DOWNLOAD: Gettin the farwood off the truk.
  • MEGA HERTZ: When yer not kerful gettin the farwood.
  • FLOPPY DISC: Whatcha git from tryin to carry too much farwood.
  • RAM: That thar thing whut splits the farwood.
  • HARD DRIVE: Gettin home in the winter time.
  • PROMPT: Whut the mail ain’t in the winter time.
  • WINDOWS: Whut to shut wen it’s cold outside.
  • SCREEN: Whut to shut wen it’s blak fly season.
  • BYTE: Whut them flys do.
  • CHIP: Munchies fer the TV.
  • MICRO CHIP: Whut’s in the bottom of the munchie bag.
  • MODEM: Whut cha did to the hay fields.
  • DOT MATRIX: Old Dan Matrix’s wife.
  • LAP TOP: Whar the kitty sleeps.
  • KEYBOARD: Whar ya hang the keys.
  • SOFTWARE: Them plastic forks and knifs.
  • MOUSE: Whut eats the grain in the barn.
  • MAINFRAME: Holds up the barn roof.
  • PORT: Fancy Flatlander wine
  • ENTER: Northerner talk fer “C’mon in y’all”
  • RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: Wen ya cain’t ‘member whut ya paid fer the rifle when yore wife asks.
  • MOUSE PAD: That hippie talk fer the rat hole.

How To Tell Where a Driver is From

  • One hand on wheel, one hand on horn
    • Chicago
  • One hand on wheel, one finger out window
    • New York
  • One hand on wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot solidly on accelerator
    • Boston
  • One hand on wheel, cradling cell phone, brick on accelerator
    • California.
  • With gun in lap
    • Los Angeles
  • Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in terror
    • Ohio, but driving in California
  • Both hands in air, gesturing, both feet on accelerator, head turned to talk to someone in back seat
    • Italy
  • One hand on latte, one knee on wheel, cradling cell phone, foot on brake, mind on game
    • Seattle
  • One hand on wheel, one hand on hunting rifle, alternating between both feet being on the accelerator and both on the brake, throwing a McDonalds bag out the window
    • Texas city male
  • One hand on wheel, one hand hanging out the window, keeping speed steadily at 70 mph, driving down the center of the road unless coming around a blind curve, in which case they are on the left side of the road
    • Texas country male
  • One hand constantly refocusing the rear-view mirror to show different angles of the BIG hair, one hand going between mousse, brush, and rat-tail to keep the helmet hair going, both feet on the accelerator, poodle steering the car, chrome .38 revolver with mother of pearl inlaid handle in the glove compartment
    • Texas female.
  • Both hands on steering wheel in a relaxed posture, eyes constantly checking the rear-view mirror to watch for visible emissions from their own or another’s car
    • Colorado.
  • One hand on steering wheel, yelling obscenities, the other hand waving gun out the window and firing repeatedly, keeping a careful eye out for unmarked State Patrol cars and landmarks along the way so as to be able to come back and pick up any bullets that didn’t hit other motorists so as not to litter
    • Colorado resident on spotting a car with Texas plate.
  • Four wheel drive pickup truck, shotgun mounted in rear window, beer cans on floor, squirrel tails attached to antenna
    • West Virginia male.
  • Junker, driven by someone who previously had a nice car and who is now wearing a barrel
    • Las Vegas.
  • Two hands gripping wheel, blue hair barely visible above window level, driving 35 on the interstate in the left lane with the left blinker on
    • Florida “seasoned citizen” driver, also known as “no-see-um.”
  • Two hands on the wheel, driving forty-five in a seventy mph zone in the left lane, with the left turn signal on, and making a right turn
    • New Mexico resident

Application to Live in Arkansas

Personal Information

  • Name:
  • Nickname:
  • CB Handle:
  • Address (RFD):
  • Daddy (if unknown, list 3 suspects):
  • Neck Shade:
    ( ) Light Red
    ( ) Medium Red
    ( ) Dark Red
    ( ) Other
  • Number of Teeth Exposed in Full Grin:
  • Make of Pickup:
    Size of Tire:
  • Hounds:
    ( ) Blue Tick
    ( ) Beagle
    ( ) Black & Tan
    ( ) Other
  • Length of Right Leg:
    Length of Left Leg:
  • How Many Cars/Makes in Front Yard?:
    How Many on Blocks:
  • How many kitchen appliances on Front Porch:
    on Back Porch:
  • When and where was your last Elvis sighting:
  • Do you wear mostly polyester pants with snags?
    ( )Yes ( ) No
  • Do you own any shoes (not boots)?
    ( ) Yes ( ) No
  • Are you married to any of the following (circle all that apply)?
    Sister   Cousin   Cousin’s Sister   Aunt
    Other, explain:
  • Does your wife weigh more than your pickup?
    ( ) Yes ( ) No
  • Can you sign your own name and always spell it right?
    ( ) Yes
    ( ) No
  • Have you EVER had more than one bath in a week?
    ( ) Yes ( ) No

Medical Information

  • Do you have at least two of the following?
      ( ) B.O.
      ( ) Crabs
      ( ) Lice
      ( ) Scabies
      ( ) Bad Breath
      ( ) Fleas
      ( ) Tattoos
      ( ) Crossed Eyes
      ( ) Runny Nose

  • Do you have:
      ( ) Green Teeth
      ( ) Brown Teeth
      ( ) Yellow Teeth
      ( ) Any Teeth
      ( ) # of teeth missing?

General Information

  • Can you count past 10 with your shoes on?
    ( ) Yes ( ) No
  • Past 21 with your shoes off and fly open?
    ( ) Yes ( ) No
  • Favorite Weapon:
    ( ) Tire Iron
    ( ) Pick Handle
    ( ) Shotgun
    ( ) Log Chain
  • Favorite Pasttime:
    ( ) Drinkin’
    ( ) Coon Huntin’
    ( ) Fishin’
    ( ) Other
  • Truck Equipped with:
    ( ) 8-Track
    ( ) Fuzzbuster
    ( ) Gun Rack
    ( ) Roll Bar
    ( ) CB Radio
    ( ) Beer Cans
    ( ) Squirrel Tail
    ( ) Rebel Flag
  • Favorite Vocalist:
    ( ) Willie Nelson
    ( ) Johnny Cash
    ( ) Elvis
    ( ) Conway Twitty
    ( ) Loretta Lynn
  • Cap Emblems:
    ( ) Bud
    ( ) John Deere
    ( ) CAT
    ( ) Skoal
    ( ) Jack Daniels
  • Bumper Stickers:
    ( ) Honk if you love Jesus
    ( ) Old Fart
    ( ) Dig Clams
  • Memberships:
    ( ) NRA
    ( ) VFW
    ( ) KKK
    ( ) 700 Club
    ( ) BPOE

Your Signature (one X will do)

West Virginia State Residency Application

  1. Last Name: _________________________
  2. First Name:
    ____ Billy-Bob
    ____ Billy-Joe
    ____ Billy-Ray
    ____ Billy-Sue
    ____ Billy-Mae
    ____ Billy-Jack
    (Check appropriate box)
  3. Age: ____
  4. Sex: ____ M ____ F _____ N/A
  5. Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right
  6. CB Handle: _____________________
  7. Occupation:
    ____ Farmer
    ____ Mechanic
    ____ Hair Dresser
    ____ Un-employed
    ____ Coal Miner
  8. Spouse’s Name: __________________________
  9. Relationship with spouse:
    ____ Sister
    ____ Brother
    ____ Aunt
    ____ Uncle
    ____ Cousin
    ____ Mother
    ____ Father
    ____ Son
    ____ Daughter
    ____ Pet
  10. Number of children living in household: ___
  11. Number that are yours: ___
  12. Mother’s Name: _______________________
  13. Father’s Name: _______________________ (If not sure, leave blank)
  14. Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)
  15. Do you (__)own or (___)rent your mobile home? (Check appropriate box)
  16. Vehicles:
    ____ Total number of vehicles you own
    ____ Number of vehicles that still crank
    ____ Number of vehicles in front yard
    ____ Number of vehicles in back yard
    ____ Number of vehicles on cement blocks
    ____ Number of refrigerators on front porch
  17. Firearms you own and where you keep them:
    ____ truck
    ____ bedroom
    ____ bathroom
    ____ kitchen
    ____ shed
  18. Model and year of your pickup: _____________ 194_
    Number of empty beer cans on floorboard or in bed of pickup: _________
  19. Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
    ____ The National Enquirer
    ____ The Globe
    ____ TV Guide
    ____ Soap Opera Digest
    ____ Gun World
  20. ____ Number of times you’ve seen a UFO
  21. ____ Number of times you’ve seen Elvis
  22. ____ Number of times you’ve seen Elvis in a UFO
  23. How often do you bathe:
    ____ Weekly
    ____ Monthly
    ____ Holidays
    ____ Not Applicable
  24. Color of teeth:
    ____ Yellow
    ____ Brownish-Yellow
    ____ Brown
    ____ Black
    ____ No teeth
    ____ N/A
  25. Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:
    ____ Red-Man
  26. How far is your home from a paved road?
    ____ 1 mile
    ____ 2 miles
    ____ don’t know
    ____ can’t get there from here
  27. Reason for continued residence in West Virginia:
    ____ can’t bear to leave brother’s behind
    ____ daddy won’t give me my pants back
    ____ liberal wife beating laws
  28. Bumper Stickers:
    ____ Eat more Possum
    ____ My other car is a piece of shit too
    ____ Honk if you love Jesus
    ____ If you ain’t a cowboy, you ain’t shit
    ____ Red-man Chewing Tobacco
    ____ Wave if you’re horny
  29. Favorite Recreation:
    ____ Square Dancin’
    ____ Possum Huntin’
    ____ Skinny Dippin’
    ____ Craw Daddin’
    ____ Gospel Singin’
    ____ 4-Wheelin’
    ____ Drankin’
    ____ Spittin’ Backy
    ____ Bull Chip Trowin’
    ____ Honky Tonkin’
    ____ Noodlin’
    ____ Other
  30. Number of Dogs: ____
    • Type:
      ____ Blue Tick
      ____ Beagle
      ____ Black & Tan
      ____ Bird Dawg
  31. Cap Emblem:
    ____ John Deere
    ____ McCulloch Chain Saws
    ____ Budweiser
    ____ Vo-Tech
    ____ Skoal
    ____ Coors
    ____ NAPA
    ____ Smile if you’re Not Wearing Underwear
  32. Memberships:
    ____ KKK
    ____ NRA
    ____ Moose
    ____ PTL Club
    ____ AA
    ____ Bass Club
    ____ VFW
    ____ Quiltin’ Bee
    ____ American Legion
    ____ United Sons/Daughters of the Confederacy
    ____ John Birch Society
  33. Do you have at least two of the following medical conditions:
    ____ B.O.
    ____ Crabs
    ____ Head Lice
    ____ Rabies
    ____ Trench Mouth
    ____ Runny Nose
    ____ Bad Breath
    ____ Chafing

Application to Live in Northern Wisconsin

  1. Name:_______________________________________________
  2. Nickname:________________
    C.B. Handle_________________
  3. Mobile Home Color:
    ____ Two-tone, Brown and White
    ____ Two-tone, Pink and White
    ____ Faded Green
  4. Daddy: (if unknown, attach list of three suspects):

    _______________ ______________ _____________

  5. Mama: _____________
  6. Neck Shade
    ____ Light Red
    ____ Medium Red
    ____ Dark Red
  7. Number of teeth in exposed full grin
    ____ Upper
    ____ Lower
  8. Model of pickup truck:__________
    Size of tires: _____________
  9. ____ Number of beer cans on floor of pickup truck
  10. Truck equipped with:
    ____ Gun Rack
    ____ Mud Flaps
    ____ Camper Top
    ____ Air Horn
    ____ American Flag
    ____ 4-W Drive
    ____ 8-Track
    ____ Rust
    ____ Fuzz Buster
    ____ Roll Bar
    ____ C.B.
    ____ Dents
    ____ Load of wood
    ____ Mud Tires
    ____ Deer poaching spot light
    ____ Playboy emblem hanging from rearview mirror
    ____ Woman’s garter hanging from rearview mirror
    ____ Pine tree air freshener hanging from rearview mirror
  11. Bumper Stickers
    ____ Honk if You’re Horny
    ____ *uck ’em Bucky
    ____ Almost Heaven, Hayward
    ____ Where the Hell is Rhinelander?
    ____ Feminazis for Kohl

    ____ Wisconsin State Bird: Mosquito
    ____ Ducks Unlimited

    ____ Walleyes Unlimited
    ____ Tommy Bartlett Water Show
    ____ Nuke Illinois
    ____ Eat Cheese or Die

    ____ Cheddarheads for Bush
    ____ You’ll Get My Gun When You Pry My Cold Dead Fingers From Around The Barrel
    ____ The Pack is Back (on bumper since 1973)
  12. Favorite Meal:
    ____ Anything fried in lard
    ____ Pickled pigs feet
    ____ Bratwurst and Old Milwaukee
    ____ Venison sausage and Old Milwaukee
    ____ Cheesecurds and Old Milwaukee
    ____ Green bean and mushroom soup casserole
    ____ Slim Jims and lime Jell-o
  13. Favorite Music:
    ____ Country
    ____ Western
    ____ Country Western
    ____ Anything played by an accordian
  14. Favorite Recreation:
    ____ Deer Huntin
    ____ Snowmobilin
    ____ Fishin with live bait
    ____ Watching Green Acres reruns

    ____ Deer huntin while drinking
    ____ Snowmobilin while drinking
    ____ Fishin with live bait while drinking
    ____ Watchin Green Acres while drinking
  15. Favorite Weapon:
    ____ .22
    ____ 30/30
    ____ 30/06
    ____ Ice auger
    ____ Chain saw
    ____ Tire iron
    ____ Forehead
    ____ Wife
  16. Favorite Fragrance:
    ____ Wet dogs
    ____ WD-40
    ____ Old Milwaukee
    ____ Minnow bucket
    ____ Frying Spam
    ____ Diesel fuel
    ____ A paper mill on a hot day in August
    ____ Fish guts after a week in the trash (in the garage) in August
    ____ Any scent eminating from a bodily orifice
  17. Favorite Cap Emblem:
    ____ Old Milwaukee
    ____ Stihl
    ____ Blatz
    ____ Skoal
    ____ Packers
    ____ Pabst
    ____ John Deere
    ____ Hamms
    ____ Brewers
    ____ Point Beer
    ____ Old Fart
    ____ Old Style
  18. Favorite Reading:
    ____ Fishing Facts
    ____ TV Guide
    ____ Beer Bottle Labels
    ____ Enquirer
    ____ Guns & Ammo
    ____ Today’s Mercenary
    ____ Polka Digest
    ____ Aryan Review
    ____ Welfare Application
    ____ Sports Illustrated (swimsuit edition only)
  19. ____ Length of Right Leg:
    ____ Length of Left Leg
  20. Things in Your Front Yard:
    ____ Various kitchen appliances
    ____ Piles of split wood
    ____ Cars on blocks

    ____ Dismantled snowmobiles
    ____ Dog run with all the grass worn away down to rock hard dirt
    ____ Broken, metal frame, screen gazebo
    ____ Deer hanging from tree limb–in season
    ____ Deer Hanging from tree limb–out of season
    ____ Wood cut-out of bent over woman
  21. When was your last sighting of Elvis?:
  22. Do you wear mostly polyester pant with snags?:
    ____ yes
    ____ no
  23. Do you own any shoes? (not counting boots):
    ____ yes
    ____ no
  24. Are you married to any of the following:
    ____ Sister
    ____ Cousin
    ____ Cousin’s sister
  25. Can you beat your wife at arm wrestling?
    ____ yes
    ____ no
  26. Typical Greeting:
    ____ Good Morning, dere
    ____ Dem Packers is playing like a buncha old women
    ____ Dem Brewers is playing like a buncha old women
    ____ Dem Badgers is playing like a buncha old women
    ____ Dem Bucks is playing like a buncha old women
    ____ Dey should take da whole buncha dem Madison liberals and queers and line em up and shoot em.
    ____ Dey should just let dem Indians spear dose idiots at the DNR
    ____ Ya, hey
  27. Favorite Tavern Name:
    ____ County Trunk Bar
    ____ Dew Drop Inn
    ____ Deer Drop Inn
    ____ Deer Droppings Inn
    ____ LakeSide Supper Club
    ____ LakeView Supper Club
    ____ LakeWood Supper Club
    ____ PineSide Supper Club
    ____ PineView Supper Club
    ____ PineWood Supper Club
  28. Favorite Automobile:
    ____ ’67 Ford Galaxy
    ____ ’67 Ford Galaxy with transmission
    ____ ’67 Ford Galaxy with ’73 Chevy Impala transmission
    ____ ’67 Ford Galaxy with ’73 Chevy Impala transmission and ’71 Buick LeSabre engine
  29. Farthest Point South Ever Traveled:
    ____ County Trunk GG
    ____ County Trunk CC
    ____ County Trunk Bar
    ____ Winter
    ____ Polar
    ____ Klondike
    ____ Maple
    ____ Poplar
    ____ Birchwood
    ____ Manitowish
    ____ Namekagon
    ____ Ojibwa
    ____ Peru
    ____ Scandinavia
    ____ Athens
    ____ Irma
    ____ Helma
    ____ Loretta
    ____ Beaver
    ____ An ice shanty on the Flambeau Flowage
  30. Most Memorable Event You’ve Ever Attended
    ____ Minocqua Moose Call Competition
    ____ Phelps Mister Potato Carnival
    ____ Gleason Grouse Mating Gala
    ____ Herbster Jaycees Seagull Doo-Doo Days
    ____ Lake Tomahawk Crew Cut Championships
    ____ Omega Outboard Motor Repair Finals
    ____ Spread Eagle International Proctologists Convention
    ____ Chetek Carp Queen Beauty Contest and Carp Cuisine Cook-Off
    ____ Eagle River Shout-Off for the Deaf (held week after the snowmobile races)

Your Signature (an X will do): ________________________________

Application to Live in Alabama

  1. Name: (Check appropriate box)
  2. Age: ____
  3. Sex: ____ M _____ F _____ N/A
  4. Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right
  5. Occupation:
    ____Hair Dresser
  6. Spouse’s Name: __________________________
  7. Relationship with spouse:
  8. ____Sister

  9. Number of children living in household: ___
  10. Number that are yours: ___
  11. Mother’s Name: _______________________
  12. Father’s Name: _______________________ (If not sure, leave blank)
  13. Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)
  14. Do you (_)own or (_)rent your mobile home? (Check appropriate box)
  15. ____Total number of vehicles you own
    ____Number of vehicles that still crank
    ____Number of vehicles in front yard
    ____Number of vehicles in back yard
    ____Number of vehicles on cement blocks
  16. Model and year of your pickup: _____________ 194__
  17. Firearms you own and where you keep them:
  18. Do you have a gun rack?
    ____No; please explain:_______________________________________________________
  19. Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
    ____The National Enquirer
    ____The Globe
    ____TV Guide
    ____Soap Opera Digest
    ____Rifle and Shotgun
  20. How many times have you:
    ____Seen a UFO?
    ____Been abducted by evil space aliens?
    ____Seen Elvis?
    ____Seen Elvis in a UFO?
  21. How often do you bathe:
    ____Not Applicable
  22. Color of teeth:
  23. Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:
  24. How far is your home from a paved road?
    ____1 mile
    ____2 miles
    ____don’t know
    ____what’s a road?

Application to Live in New Jersey

Name: _____________________________

Nickname: _____________________________

Address: _____________________________

Exit # (NJ Turnpike): _______

Exit # (Garden State Parkway): _______

  1. Ethnic Background:
  2. Backyard Smells Like:
    ___All 3
  3. # of Muscle Shirts Owned:
    ___20 and above
  4. # of Bon Jovi Tour Shirts Owned:
    ___20 and above
  5. # of Bon Jovi Shirts That are Also Muscle Shirts:
    ___20 and above
  6. Brand of Jeans Preferred:
    ___Sergio Valente
  7. Percentage of Wardrobe Which is Skintight:
  8. # of Gold Chains Owned:
    ___25 and above
  9. # of Gold Chains Worn at One Time:
    ___20 and above
  10. Approximate Value of ALL jewelry:
  11. Number of Applications of Obsession/Polo/Drakar Before Going Out:
    ___25 and above
  12. Gold Cap on at Least One Tooth?
  13. Hair Height (must be completed by applicants seeking residency in Edgewater or Bayonne)
    ___6-8 inches
    ___8-12 inches
    ___1-2 feet
    ___More than 2 feet
  14. Hair Products Used:
    ___Hair Spray
    ___Extra-Hold Lacquer
    ___Styling Gel
  15. Hold Styling Gel:
    ___40 Weight Oil
    ___Krazy Glue
  16. Automobile Owned:
    ___IROC Z
  17. Number of Inches Car is Off the Ground:
    ___6-8 inches
    ___4-6 inches
    ___2-4 inches
    ___Under 2 inches
  18. Car Paraphernalia:
    ___Gold chain around license plate
    ___Neon lights around license plate
    ___Neon lights under car
    ___Chippendales/Playboy air freshener hanging on rear view mirror
    ___Garter hanging from rear view mirror
    ___Chrome hubcaps
    ___Stick-on window tinting
    ___Stick-on paint splash stickers
    ___Fuzzy dice tattoo
    ___Crown deodorizer on dash or in rear window
  19. Favorite Sports Team:
    ___Fuckin’ Giants
    ___Fuckin’ Jets
    ___Fuckin’ Mets
    ___Fuckin’ Yankees
    ___Fuckin’ Nets
    ___Fuckin’ Knicks
    ___Fuckin’ Devils
    ___Fuckin’ Rangers
    ___Fuckin’ Islanders
  20. Favorite Music:
    ___Bon Jovi
    ___Bruce Springsteen
  21. Favorite Actor/Actress:
    ___Joe Pesci
    ___Robert DeNiro
    ___Al Pacino
    ___Marisa Tomei
    ___Annette Funicello
    ___Anna Magnani
  22. Favorite Movie:
    ___The Godfather
    ___The Godfather Part II
    ___The Godfather Part III
    ___My Cousin Vinnie
  23. Favorite Profanity (proceeded by YO!):
    ___Douche Bag
  24. # of Religious Statutes at Grandparents House:
    ___20 and above
  25. Relatives Named “Sal”:
    ___20 and above
  26. Favorite International Destination:
    ___Seaside Heights
    ___Point Pleasant
    ___Great Adventure
  27. Favorite Driving Technique
    ___Attacking stop signs
    ___Doing 106 mph on the right shoulder of the parkway
    ___Giving the finger to slow, elderly drivers (non-related)
    ___Giving the finger to slow, elderly drivers (own grandparents)