Republican Euphemisms for Impeaching the President
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Bad Bill Hunting
Bubba Buh-bye
Doin’ The Hillbilly Heave
Footing the Bill
Premature Ejection
Proving Once Again That We Are Nothing But A Bunch Of Bitter Mean-Spirited Partisans Who Oppose Any President Who Promotes Policies Which Are Favorable To Blacks, Women, Non-Christians or Homosexuals
Taking Bill out Behind the Woodshed
Termus Interruptus
The Constitutional Gong Show
Vast Conspiracy Project, Page #349832-J
Coup Process Under the Law
Keeping MSNBC in Business
L’Etat, C’est Nous, Dickhead
Lancing a Boil
Passing a Bill
Pinning the Tale on the Donkey
Politician Assisted Suicide
Removing the Stinger
Taking the Rod to the Staff
The Affair to Remember
The Sour Grapes Slam
Throwing Out the Bubba With the Bathwater
Stain Removal
Burning a Bridge to the 21st Century
Late Term Abortion
POTUS Interruptus
Pre-losing the 2000 Elections, For Your Voting Convenience
Election ’96 — The Recount
Doing What the American People Would Want if They All Weren’t So Damn Stupid