Signs You Hired the Wrong Contractor

  • Suspicious increase in number of 1-900-DRILLBIT calls charged to your line.
  • Uses “The Clapper” to turn power saw on and off.
  • Paints the living room with 15,000 bottles of White-Out.
  • Shows up with nothing but a strategically placed power drill and a butt crack the size of the Grand Canyon.
  • Flaming pentacle and mutilated goats in your basement.
  • Comes to work with a Bob Vila lunchbox, complete with crazy straw for the thermos.
  • Left hand: sledgehammer. Right hand: Colt 45 Malt Liquor.
  • On the day the insulation is to be put down, shows up wearing Pink Panther costume.
  • Mike Wallace from “60 Minutes” drops by with camera crew.
  • While painting: “One for the wall, one for me, one for the wall,…”
  • Keeps asking you to “adjust my tool, if y’know what I mean.”
  • His see-through teddy shows that he’s confused Victorian style with Victoria’s Secret.
  • Insists on spackling with his genitalia instead of with a trowel.
  • Runs out of shingles and starts using baloney slices.
  • Insists on trying out the new bedroom… with his entire stable of girlfriends.
  • Spends hours in your bathroom, flushing the toilet and saying, “Well I’ll be goldarned!”