- “Hooked on Accents” is implemented in school systems statewide.
- Women’s buttocks must be minimally covered with a regular bikini bottom or Governor Arnold’s hand.
- So many liberals flee the state that it actually lifts up out of the sea.
- Swearing-in ceremony followed by an invitation-only executive-branch orgy.
- Democrats suddenly develop a much deeper appreciation for the right to recall elected officials.
- “Your incomes — give them to me.”
- Gray Davis will be returned to the petrified forest from whence he came.
- All female employees in the Statehouse are referred to as “Pat” and “Fanny.”
- California Department of Food and Agriculture now classifies steroids as a vegetable.
- As part of a “family first” agenda, he works to get dear ol’ Dad’s Nazi party back on the ballot.
- The governor’s televised speeches have subtitles for those who speak Spanish and English.
- Two words: flab tax
- Statewide, the fourth Thursday in November is officially renamed “Danksgiffin.”
- Not only kisses babies, but gropes their moms, too.
[ The Top 5 List ]
[ Copyright 2003 by Chris White ]