New Barney Songs

Now, before you go filing law suit or defamation of character suits, please note – these are parodies. No purple dinosaurs were actually defamed or harmed by the publication of these song lyrics.

I love you
You love me
People think that we’re just friends
but we’re really lesbians

I hate you, you hate me
together we can kill Barney
one big shot and Barney’s on the floor
no more purple dinosaur!

i love booze, booze loves me
holy sh!t i have to pee
i’m so smashed im falling on the floor
alcoholic dinosaur

I hate you, you hate me
Let’s get together and kill Barney
With tanks of water and acid he will drown
Barney escapes but he falls down

I hate you, you hate me
Let’s get together and kill Barney
With a great big knife on his head
Barney’s bloody cuz he’s already dead

I hate you, you hate me
Let’s go out and kill Barney-
With a one shot, two shot, three shot, four
No more purple dinosaur.

I hate you, you hate me
Let’s get together and kill Barney
With his big dog leash around hit neck
He’ll sure make you say ‘what the heck’

I hate you, you hate me
Let’s get together and kill Barney
When he’s skiing lets make an avalanche
And then he’ll get hit by a big tree branch