You Know Your Coven’s Getting Older When…

  • The ritual feast is puréed.
  • Last Beltaine the coven decided it would be nice to go out to dinner to celebrate.
  • The last time you tried to do a spiral dance your oxygen feeds got tangled.
  • Viagra is kept in the coven supplies.
  • The maiden of the coven is a grandmother.
  • The ritual room is outfitted with defibrillators.
  • The coveners drive their RV’s to Scottsdale for Mabon.
  • When you are at a festival you go to bed at sunset.
  • It takes the whole coven to move the cauldron.
  • The high priest still has a vendetta going against Richard Nixon.
  • You find yourself using your pendulum over the stock pages in the newspaper.
  • You tell an initiate that in your day you had to slog through 5′ of snow uphill both ways when you did a Yule ritual.
  • You drop your teeth in the ritual cup.
  • At Samhain you see more of your coveners in the Wild Hunt than you do in circle.
  • You put your athame in the chalice during ritual but you can’t remember why.
  • You hold an all night blow-out drum frenzy and none of your neighbors noticed.
  • You use Glenn Miller records for trance music.
  • All of your ritual robes are tie-dyed.
  • Your coven has a 401(k) retirement plan.
  • A nitro pill vial replaces the crystal on your pendant.
  • No one’s successfully jumped the Beltaine fire since 1983.
  • You set comfy chairs around the circle.
  • When you sit on the floor and can’t get up again.
  • You do anointings with Aspercreme.
  • The oak tree your coven planted died of old age.
  • You use Bran Muffins and Prune Juice for Cakes & Ale because you need the fiber.
  • You don’t use salt to consecrate you altar because you need to stay away from extra sodium.
  • You use a walker during the Wild Hunt.
  • You prefer to rent a Hall for rituals because the bathrooms are closer.
  • You need a flashlight to find the candles.

Signs That Your Child Might Be a Witch

  • Your child asks to use the broom to cleanse, I mean clean, their room.
  • There is always a steak knife missing.
  • Your smallest pan keeps disappearing and reappearing, and always smells like ashes and potpourri.
  • All your candle holders are missing.
  • They now enjoy going to the fabric store with you and they want thread, ribbon and cloth of every color of the rainbow.
  • Their Christmas and Birthday wish lists consist of:
    a white or black full length bathrobe
    blank journal books
    window box herb gardens
    and a box of candles in assorted colors.
  • You just figured out that every full or new moon your child asks to have 3 friends spend the night; and strangely they are very quiet all night.
  • Your child now says “Merry Meet Again” every morning to you and whenever they leave they say “Merry Part”.
  • Your recipe cards are disappearing and when you do find them you can’t make sense of the recipe since it doesn’t require any actual cooking.
  • Your child has a new ID bracelet that reads something like “RavenMoon” “StarWolf” or “SunDragon”.
  • Your child asks you one day for a compass, four pails of paint; blue, green, red, and yellow, so that they can paint their room correctly.
  • They insist that their first car be the color brown and have a license plate that says BROOM.
  • Their pillows are now filled with all your potpourri.
  • You ask your child to rake up the autumn leaves in the yard, and they come back with a small stick and a large stick; which you later find to have shiny objects on them and unidentifiable etchings.
  • Once a jar gets emptied in your house it ends up in your child’s room filled with various objects like pins, needles, hair, honey, paper, and soil.

If Bill Gates Wrote a Book on Wicca

  • The book would be called Windows to the Goddess.
  • Iconology would be a major chapter.
  • A revised edition would be released approximately every 6 months, without which your magik would no longer work.
  • Your broom would crash at least once a week.
  • Cauldrons would be called recycle bins.
  • A Book of Shadows would be called a Folder of Magik.
  • A free high-speed connection spell would come with every book.
  • Every now and then your circle would collapse and you would have to perform the re-boot ritual to get it working again.
  • If you used the more powerful NT Magik, all circles within a 5 mile radius would go down.
  • At least once a month you would have to re-install your spells into your Folder of Magik.
  • You would have to use a start ritual to exit your circle.